Source code for maicos.lib.util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2024 Authors and contributors
# (see the AUTHORS.rst file for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v3 or any higher version
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
"""Small helper and utilities functions that don't fit anywhere else."""
import functools
import logging
import re
import sys
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Protocol

import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

from maicos.lib.math import correlation_time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DOC_REGEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\$\{([^\}]+)\}")

DOC_DICT = dict(
    SAVE_METHOD_DESCRIPTION="Save results of analysis to file specified by ``output``.",
    DENSITY_DESCRIPTION=r"""Calculations are carried out for
    ``mass`` :math:`(\rm u \cdot Å^{-3})`, ``number`` :math:`(\rm Å^{-3})` or ``charge``
    :math:`(\rm e \cdot Å^{-3})` density profiles along certain cartesian axes ``[x, y,
    z]`` of the simulation cell. Cell dimensions are allowed to fluctuate in time.

    For grouping with respect to ``molecules``, ``residues`` etc., the corresponding
    centers (i.e., center of mass), taking into account periodic boundary conditions,
    are calculated. For these calculations molecules will be unwrapped/made whole.
    Trajectories containing already whole molecules can be run with ``unwrap=False`` to
    gain a speedup. For grouping with respect to atoms, the `unwrap` option is always
    DIPORDER_DESCRIPTION=r"""Calculations include the projected dipole density
    :math:`P_0⋅ρ(z)⋅\cos(θ[z])`, the dipole orientation :math:`\cos(θ[z])`, the squared
    dipole orientation :math:`\cos²(Θ[z])` and the number density :math:`ρ(z)`.""",
    CORRELATION_INFO=r"""For further information on the correlation analysis please
    refer to :class:`maicos.core.base.AnalysisBase` or the :ref:`general-design`
    CORRELATION_INFO_PLANAR=r"""For the correlation analysis the central bin
    (:math:`N \backslash 2`) of the 0th's group profile is used. ${CORRELATION_INFO}""",
    CORRELATION_INFO_RADIAL="""For the correlation analysis the 0th bin of the 0th's
    group profile is used. ${CORRELATION_INFO}""",
    RUN_METHOD_DESCRIPTION="""Iterate over the trajectory.

    start : int
        start frame of analysis
    stop : int
        stop frame of analysis
    step : int
        number of frames to skip between each analysed frame
    frames : array_like
        array of integers or booleans to slice trajectory; ``frames`` can only be
        used *instead* of ``start``, ``stop``, and ``step``. Setting *both*
        ``frames`` and at least one of ``start``, ``stop``, ``step`` to a
        non-default value will raise a :exc:`ValueError`.
    verbose : bool
        Turn on verbosity
    progressbar_kwargs : dict
        ProgressBar keywords with custom parameters regarding progress bar position,
        etc; see :class:`MDAnalysis.lib.log.ProgressBar` for full list.

    self : object
        analysis object
    ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER="""atomgroup : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup
        A :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` for which the calculations are
    WRAP_COMPOUND_PARAMETER="""wrap_compound : str
        The group which will be kept together through the wrap processes.
        Allowed values are: ``"atoms"``, ``"group"``, ``"residues"``,
        ``"segments"``, ``"molecules"``, or ``"fragments"``.""",
    DENS_PARAMETER="""dens : {``"mass"``, ``"number"``, ``"charge"``}
        density type to be calculated.""",
    TEMPERATURE_PARAMETER="""temperature : float
        Reference temperature (K)""",
    BIN_WIDTH_PARAMETER="""bin_width : float
        Width of the bins (in Å).""",
    DIM_PARAMETER="""dim : {0, 1, 2}
        Dimension for binning (``x=0``, ``y=1``, ``z=1``).""",
    VDIM_PARAMETER="""    vdim : {0, 1, 2}
        Dimension for velocity binning (``x=0``, ``y=1``, ``z=1``).""",
    PDIM_PLANAR_PARAMETER="""pdim : {0, 1, 2}
        direction of the projection""",
    PDIM_RADIAL_PARAMETER="""pdim : {``"r"``, ``"z"``}
        direction of the projection""",
    FLUX_PARAMETER=r"""flux : bool
        Calculate the flux (:math:`[Å^2/\mathrm{ps}]`) instead of the velocity.""",
    GROUPING_PARAMETER="""grouping : {``"atoms"``, ``"residues"``, ``"segments"``, ``"molecules"``, ``"fragments"``}
        Atom grouping for the calculations.

        The possible grouping options are the atom positions (in the case where
        ``grouping="atoms"``) or the center of mass of the specified grouping unit (in
        the case where ``grouping="residues"``, ``"segments"``, ``"molecules"`` or
        ``"fragments"``).""",  # noqa: E501
    OUTPUT_PARAMETER="""output : str
        Output filename.""",
    OUTPUT_PREFIX_PARAMETER="""output_prefix : str
        Prefix for output files.""",
    SYM_PARAMETER="""sym : bool
        Symmetrize the profile. Only works in combination with
    BIN_METHOD_PARAMETER="""bin_method : {``"com"``, ``"cog"``, ``"coc"``}
        Method for the position binning.

        The possible options are center of mass (``"com"``),
        center of geometry (``"cog"``), and center of charge (``"coc"``).""",
    ORDER_PARAMETER_PARAMETER="""order_parameter : {``"P0"``, ``"cos_theta"``, ``"cos_2_theta"``}
        Order parameter to be calculated:
            - ``"P0"``: total dipole moment projected on an axis
            - ``"cos_theta"``: cosine of the dipole moment with an axis
            - ``"cos_2_theta"``: squred cosine with an axis.""",  # noqa: E501
    BASE_CLASS_PARAMETERS="""unwrap : bool
        When :obj:`True`, molecules that are broken due to the periodic boundary
        conditions are made whole.

        If the input contains molecules that are already whole, speed up the calculation
        by disabling unwrap. To do so, use the flag ``-no-unwrap`` when using MAICoS
        from the command line, or use ``unwrap=False`` when using MAICoS from the Python

        Note: Molecules containing virtual sites (e.g. TIP4P water models) are not
        currently supported in MDAnalysis. In this case, you need to provide unwrapped
        trajectory files directly, and disable unwrap. Trajectories can be unwrapped,
        for example, using the ``trjconv`` command of GROMACS.
    refgroup : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup
        Reference :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` used for the calculation.
        If ``refgroup`` is provided, the calculation is performed relative to the center
        of mass of the AtomGroup. If ``refgroup`` is :obj:`None` the calculations are
        performed with respect to the center of the (changing) box.
    jitter : float
        Magnitude of the random noise to add to the atomic positions.

        A jitter can be used to stabilize the aliasing effects sometimes appearing when
        histogramming data. The jitter value should be about the precision of the
        trajectory. In that case, using jitter will not alter the results of the
        histogram. If ``jitter = 0.0`` (default), the original atomic positions are kept

        You can estimate the precision of the positions in your trajectory with
        :func:`maicos.lib.util.trajectory_precision`. Note that if the precision is not
        the same for all frames, the smallest precision should be used.
    concfreq : int
        When concfreq (for conclude frequency) is larger than ``0``, the conclude
        function is called and the output files are written every ``concfreq``
    PROFILE_CLASS_PARAMETERS_PRIVATE="""weighting_function : callable
        The function calculating the array weights for the histogram analysis. It must
        take an :py:class:`AtomGroup<MDAnalysis.AtomGroup>` as first argument and a
        grouping (``"atoms"``, ``"residues"``, ``"segments"``, ``"molecules"``,
        ``"fragments"``) as second.
        Additional parameters can be given as ``weighting_function_kwargs``. The
        function must return a numpy.ndarray with the same length as the number of group
    weighting_function_kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments for ``weighting_function``
    normalization : {``"none"``, ``"number"``, ``"volume"``}
        The normalization of the profile performed in every frame. If :obj:`None`, no
        normalization is performed. If `number`, the histogram is divided by the number
        of occurences in each bin. If `volume`, the profile is divided by the volume of
        each bin.""",
    Q_SPACE_PARAMETERS="""qmin : float
        Starting q (1/Å)
    qmax : float
        Ending q (1/Å)
    dq : float
        bin_width (1/Å)""",
    zmin : float
        Minimal coordinate for evaluation (in Å) with respect to the center of mass of
        the refgroup.

        If ``zmin=None``, all coordinates down to the lower cell boundary are taken into
    zmax : float
        Maximal coordinate for evaluation (in Å) with respect to the center of mass of
        the refgroup.

        If ``zmax = None``, all coordinates up to the upper cell boundary are taken into
    RADIAL_CLASS_PARAMETERS="""rmin : float
        Minimal radial coordinate relative to the center of mass of the refgroup for
        evaluation (in Å).
    rmax : float
        Maximal radial coordinate relative to the center of mass of the refgroup for
        evaluation (in Å).

        If ``rmax=None``, the box extension is taken.""",
    PDF_PARAMETERS="""g1 : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup
        First AtomGroup.
    g2 : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup
        Second AtomGroup.""",
    PLANAR_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES="""results.bin_pos : numpy.ndarray
        Bin positions (in Å) ranging from ``zmin`` to ``zmax``.""",
    RADIAL_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES="""results.bin_pos : numpy.ndarray
        Bin positions (in Å) ranging from ``rmin`` to ``rmax``.""",
    PROFILE_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES="""results.profile : numpy.ndarray
        Calculated profile.
    results.dprofile : numpy.ndarray
        Estimated profile's uncertainity.""",
"""Dictionary containing the keys and the actual docstring used by :func:`maicos.lib.util.render_docs`.

    :meta hide-value:
"""  # noqa: E501

def _render_docs(func: Callable, doc_dict: dict = DOC_DICT) -> Callable:
    if func.__doc__ is not None:
        while True:
            keys = DOC_REGEX_PATTERN.findall(func.__doc__)
            if not keys:
                break  # Exit the loop if no more patterns are found
            for key in keys:
                func.__doc__ = func.__doc__.replace(f"${{{key}}}", doc_dict[key])
    return func

[docs] def render_docs(func: Callable) -> Callable: """Replace all template phrases in the functions docstring. Keys for the replacement are taken from in :attr:`maicos.lib.util.DOC_DICT`. Parameters ---------- func : callable The callable (function, class) where the phrase old should be replaced. Returns ------- Callable callable with replaced phrase """ return _render_docs(func, doc_dict=DOC_DICT)
[docs] def correlation_analysis(timeseries: np.ndarray) -> float: """Timeseries correlation analysis. Analyses a timeseries for correlation and prints a warning if the correlation time is larger than the step size. Parameters ---------- timeseries : numpy.ndarray Array of (possibly) correlated data. Returns ------- corrtime: float Estimated correlation time of `timeseries`. """ if np.any(np.isnan(timeseries)): # Fail silently if there are NaNs in the timeseries. This is the case if the # feature is not implemented for the given analysis. It could also be because of # a bug, but that is not our business. return -1 elif len(timeseries) <= 4: warnings.warn( "Your trajectory is too short to estimate a correlation time. Use the " "calculated error estimates with caution.", stacklevel=2, ) return -1 corrtime = correlation_time(timeseries) if corrtime == -1: warnings.warn( "Your trajectory does not provide sufficient statistics to estimate a " "correlation time. Use the calculated error estimates with caution.", stacklevel=2, ) if corrtime > 0.5: warnings.warn( "Your data seems to be correlated with a correlation time which is " f"{corrtime + 1:.2f} times larger than your step size. Consider increasing " f"your step size by a factor of {int(np.ceil(2 * corrtime + 1)):d} to get " "a reasonable error estimate.", stacklevel=2, ) return corrtime
[docs] @render_docs def get_compound(atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup) -> str: """Returns the highest order topology attribute. The order is "molecules", "fragments", "residues". If the topology contains none of those attributes, an AttributeError is raised. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} Returns ------- str Name of the topology attribute. Raises ------ AttributeError `atomgroup` is missing any connection information" """ if hasattr(atomgroup, "molnums"): return "molecules" elif hasattr(atomgroup, "fragments"):"Cannot use 'molecules'. Falling back to 'fragments'") return "fragments" elif hasattr(atomgroup, "residues"):"Cannot use 'fragments'. Falling back to 'residues'") return "residues" else: raise AttributeError("Missing any connection information in `atomgroup`.")
[docs] def get_cli_input() -> str: """Return a proper formatted string of the command line input. Returns ------- str A string representing the command line input in a proper format. """ program_name = Path(sys.argv[0]).name # Add additional quotes for connected arguments. arguments = ['"{}"'.format(arg) if " " in arg else arg for arg in sys.argv[1:]] return "{} {}".format(program_name, " ".join(arguments))
[docs] def atomgroup_header(AtomGroup: mda.AtomGroup) -> str: """Return a string containing infos about the AtomGroup. Infos include the total number of atoms, the including residues and the number of residues. Useful for writing output file headers. Parameters ---------- AtomGroup : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup The AtomGroup object containing the atoms. Returns ------- str A string containing the AtomGroup information. """ if not hasattr(AtomGroup, "types"): logger.warning( "AtomGroup does not contain atom types. Not writing AtomGroup information " "to output." ) return f"{len(AtomGroup.atoms)} unkown particles" unique, unique_counts = np.unique(AtomGroup.types, return_counts=True) return " & ".join("{} {}".format(*i) for i in np.vstack([unique, unique_counts]).T)
[docs] def bin(a: np.ndarray, bins: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Average array values in bins for easier plotting. Parameters ---------- a : numpy.ndarray The input array to be averaged. bins : numpy.ndarray The array containing the indices where each bin begins. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The averaged array values. Notes ----- The "bins" array should contain the INDEX (integer) where each bin begins. """ if np.iscomplex(a).any(): avg = np.zeros(len(bins), dtype=complex) # average of data else: avg = np.zeros(len(bins)) count = np.zeros(len(bins), dtype=int) ic = -1 for i in range(0, len(a)): if i in bins: ic += 1 # index for new average avg[ic] += a[i] count[ic] += 1 return avg / count
[docs] def charge_neutral(filter: str) -> Callable: """Raise a Warning when AtomGroup is not charge neutral. Class Decorator to raise an Error/Warning when AtomGroup in an AnalysisBase class is not charge neutral. The behaviour of the warning can be controlled with the filter attribute. If the AtomGroup's corresponding universe is non-neutral an ValueError is raised. Parameters ---------- filter : str Filter type to control warning filter. Common values are: "error" or "default" See `warnings.simplefilter` for more options. """ def inner(original_class): def charge_check(function): @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(self): if not np.allclose( self.atomgroup.total_charge(compound=get_compound(self.atomgroup)), 0, atol=1e-4, ): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(filter) warnings.warn( "At least one AtomGroup has free charges. Analysis for " "systems with free charges could lead to severe " "artifacts!", stacklevel=1, ) if not np.allclose( self.atomgroup.universe.atoms.total_charge(), 0, atol=1e-4 ): raise ValueError( "Analysis for non-neutral systems is not supported." ) return function(self) return wrapped original_class._prepare = charge_check(original_class._prepare) return original_class return inner
[docs] def unwrap_refgroup(original_class): """Class decorator error if `unwrap = False` and `refgroup != None`.""" def unwrap_check(function): @functools.wraps(function) def unwrap_check(self): if hasattr(self, "unwrap") and hasattr(self, "refgroup"): if not self.unwrap and self.refgroup is not None: raise ValueError( "Analysis using `unwrap=False` and `refgroup != None` can lead " "to broken molecules and severe errors." ) return function(self) return unwrap_check original_class._prepare = unwrap_check(original_class._prepare) return original_class
[docs] def trajectory_precision( trajectory: mda.coordinates.base.ReaderBase, dim: int = 2 ) -> np.ndarray: """Detect the precision of a trajectory. Parameters ---------- trajectory : MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ReaderBase Trajectory from which the precision is detected. dim : {2, 0, 1} Dimension along which the precision is detected. Returns ------- precision : numpy.ndarray Precision of each frame of the trajectory. If the trajectory has a high precision, its resolution will not be detected, and a value of 1e-4 is returned. """ # The threshold will limit the precision of the detection. Using a value that is too # low will end up costing a lot of memory. 1e-4 is enough to safely detect the # resolution of format like XTC threshold_bin_width = 1e-4 precision = np.zeros(trajectory.n_frames) # to be done, add range=(0, -1, 1) parameter for ts in # trajectory[range[0]:range[1]:range[2]]: for ts in trajectory: n_bins = int( np.ceil( ( np.max(trajectory.ts.positions[:, dim]) - np.min(trajectory.ts.positions[:, dim]) ) / threshold_bin_width ) ) hist1, z = np.histogram(trajectory.ts.positions[:, dim], bins=n_bins) ( hist2, bin_edges, ) = np.histogram(np.diff(z[np.where(hist1)]), bins=1000, range=(0, 0.1)) if len(find_peaks(hist2)[0]) == 0: precision[ts.frame] = 1e-4 elif bin_edges[find_peaks(hist2)[0][0]] <= 5e-4: precision[ts.frame] = 1e-4 else: precision[ts.frame] = bin_edges[find_peaks(hist2)[0][0]] return precision
DOI_LIST = { "10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.048001": "Schlaich, A. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, " "(2016).", "10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b09269": "Loche, P. et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 123, (2019).", "10.1021/acs.jpca.0c04063": "Carlson, S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 124, (2020).", "10.1103/PhysRevE.92.032718": "Schaaf, C. et al., Phys. Rev. E 92, (2015).", } """References associated with MAICoS :meta hide-value: """
[docs] def citation_reminder(*dois: str) -> str: """Prints citations in order to remind users to give due credit. Parameters ---------- dois : list dois associated with the method which calls this. Possible dois are registered in :attr:`maicos.lib.util.DOI_LIST`. Returns ------- cite : str formatted citation reminders """ cite = "" for doi in dois: lines = [ "If you use this module in your work, please read and cite:", DOI_LIST[doi], f"doi: {doi}", ] plus = f"{max([len(i) for i in lines]) * '+'}" lines.insert(0, f"\n{plus}") lines.append(f"{plus}\n") cite += "\n".join(lines) return cite
[docs] @render_docs def get_center(atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, bin_method: str, compound: str) -> np.ndarray: """Center attribute for an :class:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup`. This function acts as a wrapper for the :meth:`` method, providing a more user-friendly interface by automatically determining the appropriate weights based on the chosen binning method. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} ${BIN_METHOD_PARAMETER} compound : {``"group"``, ``"segments"``, ``"residues"``, ``"molecules"``, ``"fragments"``} The compound to be used in the center calculation. For example, ``"residue"``, ``"segment"``, etc. Returns ------- np.ndarray The coordinates of the calculated center. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided ``bin_method`` is not one of {``"com"``, ``"cog"``, ``"coc"``}. """ # noqa: E501 if bin_method == "cog": weights = None elif bin_method == "com": weights = atomgroup.masses elif bin_method == "coc": weights = atomgroup.charges.__abs__() else: raise ValueError( f"{bin_method!r} is an unknown binning " f"method. Use 'cog', 'com' or 'coc'." ) return, compound=compound)
[docs] @render_docs def unit_vectors_planar( atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, grouping: str, pdim: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate unit vectors in planar geometry. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} ${GROUPING_PARAMETER} ${PDIM_PLANAR_PARAMETER} Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the unit vector """ unit_vectors = np.zeros(3) unit_vectors[pdim] += 1 return unit_vectors
[docs] @render_docs def unit_vectors_cylinder( atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, grouping: str, bin_method: str, dim: int, pdim: str, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate cylindrical unit vectors in cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} ${GROUPING_PARAMETER} ${BIN_METHOD_PARAMETER} ${DIM_PARAMETER} ${PDIM_RADIAL_PARAMETER} Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of the calculated unit vectors with shape (3,) for `pdim='z'` and shape (3,n) for `pdim='r'`. The length of `n` depends on the grouping. """ # We do NOT transform ``unit_vectors`` into cylindrical coordinates, because all # scalar products in ``dipolar_weights`` will be performed cartesian coordinates! if pdim == "r": unit_vectors = get_center( atomgroup=atomgroup, bin_method=bin_method, compound=grouping ) unit_vectors -= atomgroup.universe.dimensions[:3] / 2 # set z direction to zero. r in cylindrical coordinates contains only x and y. unit_vectors[:, dim] = 0 unit_vectors /= np.linalg.norm(unit_vectors, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] elif pdim == "z": unit_vectors = np.zeros(3) unit_vectors[dim] += 1 else: raise ValueError( f"{pdim!r} is an unknown direction for the projection. Use 'r' or 'z'." ) return unit_vectors
[docs] @render_docs def unit_vectors_sphere( atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, grouping: str, bin_method: str ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate spherical unit vectors in cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER ${GROUPING_PARAMETER} ${BIN_METHOD_PARAMETER} Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of the calculated unit vectors with shape (3,n). The length of `n` depends on the grouping. """ # noqa: 501 # We do NOT transform ``unit_vectors`` into spherical coordinates, because all # scalar products in ``dipolar_weights`` will be performed cartesian coordinates! unit_vectors = get_center( atomgroup=atomgroup, bin_method=bin_method, compound=grouping ) # shift origin to box center and afterwards normalize unit_vectors -= atomgroup.universe.dimensions[:3] / 2 unit_vectors /= np.linalg.norm(unit_vectors, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] return unit_vectors
[docs] def maicos_banner(version: str = "", frame_char: str = "-") -> str: """Prints ASCII banner resembling the MAICoS Logo with 80 chars width. Parameters ---------- version : str Version string to add to the banner. frame_char : str Character used to as framing around the banner. Returns ------- banner : str formatted banner """ banner = rf""" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ __ __ _____ _____ _____ @ @ ()----() | \/ | /\ |_ _| / ____| / ____| @ @ / | \ | \ / | / \ | | | | ___ | (___ @ @ () ||| | () | |\/| | / /\ \ | | | | / _ \ \___ \ @ @ \ |||||_ / | | | | / ____ \ _| |_ | |____ | (_) | ____) | @ @ ()----() |_| |_| /_/ \_\ |_____| \_____| \___/ |_____/ {version:^8}@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ """ return banner.replace("@", frame_char)
[docs] class Unit_vector(Protocol): """Protocol class for unit vector methods type hints.""" def __call__(self, atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, grouping: str) -> np.ndarray: """Call for type hints.""" ...