Source code for maicos.modules.dielectriccylinder

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2024 Authors and contributors
# (see the AUTHORS.rst file for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v3 or any higher version
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
"""Module for computing cylindrical dielectric profiles."""

import logging
from typing import Optional

import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants

from ..core import CylinderBase
from ..lib.util import charge_neutral, citation_reminder, get_compound, render_docs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @render_docs @charge_neutral(filter="error") class DielectricCylinder(CylinderBase): r"""Cylindrical dielectric profiles. Components are calculated along the axial (:math:`z`) and radial (:math:`r`) direction either with respect to the center of the simulation box or the center of mass of the refgroup, if provided. The axial direction is selected using the ``dim`` parameter. For correlation analysis, the component along the :math:`z` axis is used. ${CORRELATION_INFO} For usage please refer to :ref:`How-to: Dielectric constant<howto-dielectric>` and for details on the theory see :ref:`dielectric-explanations`. Also, please read and cite :footcite:p:`locheGiantaxialDielectric2019`. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} ${CYLINDER_CLASS_PARAMETERS} ${TEMPERATURE_PARAMETER} single : bool For a single chain of molecules the average of M is zero. This flag sets <M> = 0. Attributes ---------- ${CYLINDER_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES} results.eps_z : numpy.ndarray Reduced axial dielectric profile :math:`(\varepsilon_z - 1)` of the selected atomgroup results.deps_z : numpy.ndarray Estimated uncertainty of axial dielectric profile results.eps_r : numpy.ndarray Reduced inverse radial dielectric profile :math:`(\varepsilon^{-1}_r - 1)` results.deps_r : numpy.ndarray Estimated uncertainty of inverse radial dielectric profile References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ def __init__( self, atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, bin_width: float = 0.1, temperature: float = 300, single: bool = False, output_prefix: str = "eps_cyl", refgroup: Optional[mda.AtomGroup] = None, concfreq: int = 0, jitter: float = 0.0, dim: int = 2, rmin: float = 0, rmax: Optional[float] = None, zmin: Optional[float] = None, zmax: Optional[float] = None, vcutwidth: float = 0.1, unwrap: bool = True, ) -> None: self._locals = locals() self.comp = get_compound(atomgroup) ix = atomgroup._get_compound_indices(self.comp) _, self.inverse_ix = np.unique(ix, return_inverse=True) if zmin is not None or zmax is not None or rmin != 0 or rmax is not None: logger.warn( "Setting `rmin` and `rmax` (as well as `zmin` and `zmax`) might cut " "off molecules. This will lead to severe artifacts in the dielectric " "profiles." ) super().__init__( atomgroup, unwrap=unwrap, refgroup=refgroup, jitter=jitter, concfreq=concfreq, dim=dim, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, bin_width=bin_width, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, wrap_compound=self.comp, ) self.output_prefix = output_prefix self.temperature = temperature self.single = single self.vcutwidth = vcutwidth def _prepare(self) -> None: # Print Philip Loche citation"10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b09269")) super()._prepare() def _single_frame(self) -> float: super()._single_frame() # Use polarization density (for radial component) # ======================================================== rbins = np.digitize(self.pos_cyl[:, 0], self._obs.bin_edges[1:-1]) curQ_r = np.bincount( rbins[self.atomgroup.ix], weights=self.atomgroup.charges, minlength=self.n_bins, ) self._obs.m_r = ( -np.cumsum( (curQ_r / self._obs.bin_volume) * self._obs.bin_pos * self._obs.bin_width ) / self._obs.bin_pos ) curQ_r_tot = np.bincount( rbins, weights=self._universe.atoms.charges, minlength=self.n_bins ) self._obs.m_r_tot = ( -np.cumsum( (curQ_r_tot / self._obs.bin_volume) * self._obs.bin_pos * self._obs.bin_width ) / self._obs.bin_pos ) # This is not really the systems dipole moment, but it keeps the Nomenclature # consistent with the DielectricPlanar module. self._obs.M_r = np.sum(self._obs.m_r_tot * self._obs.bin_width) self._obs.mM_r = self._obs.m_r * self._obs.M_r # Use virtual cutting method ( for axial component ) # ======================================================== # number of virtual cuts ("many") nbinsz = np.ceil(self._obs.L / self.vcutwidth).astype(int) # Move all r-positions to 'center of charge' such that we avoid monopoles in # r-direction. We only want to cut in z direction. chargepos = self.pos_cyl[self.atomgroup.ix, 0] * np.abs(self.atomgroup.charges) center = self.atomgroup.accumulate( chargepos, compound=self.comp ) / self.atomgroup.accumulate( np.abs(self.atomgroup.charges), compound=self.comp ) testpos = center[self.inverse_ix] rbins = np.digitize(testpos, self._obs.bin_edges[1:-1]) z = (np.arange(nbinsz)) * (self._obs.L / nbinsz) zbins = np.digitize(self.pos_cyl[self.atomgroup.ix, 2], z[1:]) curQz = np.bincount( rbins + self.n_bins * zbins, weights=self.atomgroup.charges, minlength=self.n_bins * nbinsz, ).reshape(nbinsz, self.n_bins) curqz = np.cumsum(curQz, axis=0) / (self._obs.bin_area)[np.newaxis, :] self._obs.m_z = -curqz.mean(axis=0) # This is the systems dipole moment in z-direction and # not the radial integral of the dipole density. self._obs.M_z =, self.pos_cyl[:, 2]) self._obs.mM_z = self._obs.m_z * self._obs.M_z # Save the total dipole moment in z dierection for correlation analysis. return self._obs.M_z def _conclude(self) -> None: super()._conclude() pref = 1 / scipy.constants.epsilon_0 pref /= scipy.constants.Boltzmann * self.temperature # Convert from ~e^2/m to ~base units pref /= scipy.constants.angstrom / (scipy.constants.elementary_charge) ** 2 if not self.single: # A factor of 2 pi L cancels out in the final expression because here M_z is # the total dipole moment in z-direction, not the radial integral of the # dipole density. M_z = 2 pi L \int_0^R dr r m(r) cov_z = self.means.mM_z - self.means.m_z * self.means.M_z cov_r = self.means.mM_r - self.means.m_r * self.means.M_r dcov_z = 0.5 * np.sqrt( self.sems.mM_z**2 + self.sems.m_z**2 * self.means.M_z**2 + self.means.m_z**2 * self.sems.M_z**2 ) dcov_r = 0.5 * np.sqrt( self.sems.mM_r**2 + self.sems.m_r**2 * self.means.M_r**2 + self.means.m_r**2 * self.sems.M_r**2 ) else: # <M> = 0 for a single line of water molecules. cov_z = self.means.mM_z cov_r = self.means.mM_r dcov_z = self.sems.mM_z dcov_r = self.sems.mM_r self.results.eps_z = pref * cov_z self.results.deps_z = pref * dcov_z self.results.eps_r = -( 2 * np.pi * self._obs.L * pref * self.results.bin_pos * cov_r ) self.results.deps_r = ( 2 * np.pi * self._obs.L * pref * self.results.bin_pos * dcov_r )
[docs] @render_docs def save(self) -> None: """${SAVE_METHOD_DESCRIPTION}""" outdata_z = np.array( [self.results.bin_pos, self.results.eps_z, self.results.deps_z] ).T outdata_r = np.array( [self.results.bin_pos, self.results.eps_r, self.results.deps_r] ).T columns = ["positions [Å]"] columns += ["ε_z - 1", "Δε_z"] self.savetxt( "{}{}".format(self.output_prefix, "_z.dat"), outdata_z, columns=columns ) columns = ["positions [Å]"] columns += ["ε^-1_r - 1", "Δε^-1_r"] self.savetxt( "{}{}".format(self.output_prefix, "_r.dat"), outdata_r, columns=columns )