Source code for maicos.modules.dielectricspectrum

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2024 Authors and contributors
# (see the AUTHORS.rst file for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v3 or any higher version
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
"""Module for computing dielectric spectra for bulk systems."""

import logging
from typing import Optional

import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants

from ..core import AnalysisBase
from ..lib.math import FT, iFT
from ..lib.util import bin, charge_neutral, citation_reminder, get_compound, render_docs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @render_docs @charge_neutral(filter="error") class DielectricSpectrum(AnalysisBase): r"""Linear dielectric spectrum. This module, given a molecular dynamics trajectory, produces a `.txt` file containing the complex dielectric function as a function of the (linear, not radial - i.e., :math:`\nu` or :math:`f`, rather than :math:`\omega`) frequency, along with the associated standard deviations. The algorithm is based on the Fluctuation Dissipation Relation: :math:`\chi(f) = -1/(3 V k_B T \varepsilon_0) \mathcal{L}[\theta(t) \langle P(0) dP(t)/dt\rangle]`, where :math:`\mathcal{L}` is the Laplace transformation. .. note:: The polarization time series and the average system volume are also saved. Please read and cite :footcite:p:`carlsonExploringAbsorptionSpectrum2020`. Parameters ---------- ${ATOMGROUP_PARAMETER} ${BASE_CLASS_PARAMETERS} ${TEMPERATURE_PARAMETER} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX_PARAMETER} segs : int Sets the number of segments the trajectory is broken into. df : float The desired frequency spacing in THz. This determines the minimum frequency about which there is data. Overrides `segs` option. bins : int Determines the number of bins used for data averaging; (this parameter sets the upper limit). The data are by default binned logarithmically. This helps to reduce noise, particularly in the high-frequency domain, and also prevents plot files from being too large. binafter : int The number of low-frequency data points that are left unbinned. nobin : bool Prevents the data from being binned altogether. This can result in very large plot files and errors. Attributes ---------- results References ---------- .. footbibliography:: """ # TODO: set up script to calc spectrum at intervals while calculating polarization # for very big-data trajectories # TODO: merge with molecular version? def __init__( self, atomgroup: mda.AtomGroup, refgroup: Optional[mda.AtomGroup] = None, unwrap: bool = True, concfreq: int = 0, temperature: float = 300, output_prefix: str = "", segs: int = 20, df: Optional[float] = None, bins: int = 200, binafter: float = 20, nobin: bool = False, jitter: float = 0.0, ) -> None: self._locals = locals() wrap_compound = get_compound(atomgroup) super().__init__( atomgroup, unwrap=unwrap, refgroup=refgroup, concfreq=concfreq, wrap_compound=wrap_compound, jitter=jitter, ) self.temperature = temperature self.output_prefix = output_prefix self.segs = segs self.df = df self.bins = bins self.binafter = binafter self.nobin = nobin def _prepare(self) -> None: # Print the Shane Carlson citation"10.1021/acs.jpca.0c04063")) if len(self.output_prefix) > 0: self.output_prefix += "_" self.dt = self._trajectory.dt * self.step self.V = 0 self.P = np.zeros((self.n_frames, 3)) def _single_frame(self) -> None: self.V += self._ts.volume self.P[self._frame_index, :] = self.atomgroup.charges, self.atomgroup.positions ) def _conclude(self) -> None: self.results.t = self._trajectory.dt * self.frames self.results.V = self.V / self._index self.results.P = self.P # Find a suitable number of segments if it's not specified: if self.df is not None: self.segs = np.max([int(self.n_frames * self.dt * self.df), 2]) self.seglen = int(self.n_frames / self.segs) # Prefactor for susceptibility: Polarization: eÅ^2 to e m^2 pref = (scipy.constants.e) ** 2 * scipy.constants.angstrom**2 # Volume: Å^3 to m^3 pref /= 3 * self.results.V * scipy.constants.angstrom**3 pref /= scipy.constants.k * self.temperature pref /= scipy.constants.epsilon_0"Calculating susceptibility and errors...") # if t too short to simply truncate if len(self.results.t) < 2 * self.seglen: self.results.t = np.append( self.results.t, self.results.t + self.results.t[-1] + self.dt ) # truncate t array (it's automatically longer than 2 * seglen) self.results.t = self.results.t[: 2 * self.seglen] # get freqs = FT( self.results.t, np.append(self.results.P[: self.seglen, 0], np.zeros(self.seglen)), )[0] # susceptibility self.results.susc = np.zeros(self.seglen, dtype=complex) # std deviation of susceptibility self.results.dsusc = np.zeros(self.seglen, dtype=complex) # susceptibility for current seg ss = np.zeros((2 * self.seglen), dtype=complex) # loop over segs for s in range(0, self.segs):"\rSegment {s + 1} of {self.segs}") ss = 0 + 0j # loop over x, y, z for self._i in range(3): FP: np.ndarry = FT( self.results.t, np.append( self.results.P[ s * self.seglen : (s + 1) * self.seglen, self._i ], np.zeros(self.seglen), ), False, ) ss += FP.real * FP.real + FP.imag * FP.imag ss *= * 1j # Get the real part by Kramers Kronig ift: np.ndarray = iFT( self.results.t, 1j * np.sign( * FT(, ss, False), False, ) ss.real = ift.imag if s == 0: self.results.susc += ss[self.seglen :] else: ds = ss[self.seglen :] - (self.results.susc / s) self.results.susc += ss[self.seglen :] dif = ss[self.seglen :] - (self.results.susc / (s + 1)) ds.real *= dif.real ds.imag *= dif.imag # variance by Welford's Method self.results.dsusc += ds self.results.dsusc.real = np.sqrt(self.results.dsusc.real) self.results.dsusc.imag = np.sqrt(self.results.dsusc.imag) # 1/2 b/c it's the full FT, not only half-domain self.results.susc *= pref / (2 * self.seglen * self.segs * self.dt) self.results.dsusc *= pref / (2 * self.seglen * self.segs * self.dt) # Discard negative-frequency data; contains the same information as positive # regime: Now nu represents positive f instead of omega =[self.seglen :] / (2 * np.pi) f"Length of segments: {self.seglen} frames," f" {self.seglen * self.dt:.0f} ps" ) f"Frequency spacing: " f"~ {self.segs / (self.n_frames * self.dt):.5f} THz" ) # Bin data if there are too many points: if not (self.nobin or self.seglen <= self.bins): bins = np.logspace( np.log(self.binafter) / np.log(10), np.log(len(self.results.susc)) / np.log(10), self.bins - self.binafter + 1, ).astype(int) bins = np.unique(np.append(np.arange(self.binafter), bins))[:-1] self.results.nu_binned = bin(, bins) self.results.susc_binned = bin(self.results.susc, bins) self.results.dsusc_binned = bin(self.results.dsusc, bins) f"Binning data above datapoint " f"{self.binafter} in log-spaced bins" ) f"Binned data consists of " f"{len(self.results.susc)} datapoints" ) # data is binned f"Not binning data: there are " f"{len(self.results.susc)} datapoints" )
[docs] @render_docs def save(self) -> None: """${SAVE_METHOD_DESCRIPTION}""" + "tseries.npy", self.results.t) with open(self.output_prefix + "V.txt", "w") as Vfile: Vfile.write(str(self.results.V)) + "P_tseries.npy", self.results.P) suscfilename = "{}{}".format(self.output_prefix, "susc.dat") self.savetxt( suscfilename, np.transpose( [, self.results.susc.real, self.results.dsusc.real, self.results.susc.imag, self.results.dsusc.imag, ] ), columns=["ν [THz]", "real(χ)", " Δ real(χ)", "imag(χ)", "Δ imag(χ)"], )"Susceptibility data saved as " + suscfilename) if not (self.nobin or self.seglen <= self.bins): suscfilename = "{}{}".format(self.output_prefix, "susc_binned.dat") self.savetxt( suscfilename, np.transpose( [ self.results.nu_binned, self.results.susc_binned.real, self.results.dsusc_binned.real, self.results.susc_binned.imag, self.results.dsusc_binned.imag, ] ), columns=["ν [THz]", "real(χ)", " Δ real(χ)", "imag(χ)", "Δ imag(χ)"], )"Binned susceptibility data saved as " + suscfilename)